Sleepy's Party--
Welcome to Sleepy's party!

*dancing around* Oh! Hiye there! Welcome to my little spiffy party! Put on your platforms and bellbottoms(or flares for da girls) and get ready to parrrrrrtay! I have many things up in this place! As you can see this place is huge, and it has plenty to do! As like at many parties, there are different sections of friends dancing together. For example, say the gothic people all hang out together, etc. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, just look around this place, and soon you'll find out! So feel free to look around, and do whatever you please! Even if it is illegal! *s*
Sections of people to hang out wit!
1. Aqua Lovers
2. 49er freaks!
3. Beavis and Butthead worshipers
4. Class Clowns
5. Sleepy's Stalkers
6. Elmo obsessers
7. People who are handicapped
Other stuff
1. Parties like mine!
2. All those other people here borrrring? Chat wit other people settin themselves aside from the crowds!
3. I worked hard on making this party rule! Please fill out this form to tell me how you think it is!
4. Other parties, not necessarily like mine
5. Sign my guest list
6. View my guest list
This party was hosted by Sleepy and she was helped out by Geocities. If you want Sleepy to design a party for you, please email her at [email protected] and you can talk about it wit her.